This series is designed to help learners prepare and take the Cisco Certified Network Associate exams 640-821: Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies, 640-811: Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, and the combined exam, 640-801: Cisco Certified Network Associate. This series explains how to install, configure, and monitor Cisco switches and routers. Learners are taught the functions of each layer in the Open Systems Interconnect Model, LAN protocols and switching methods, IP Addressing, and WAN protocols. Finally, learners are taught how to configure VLANs, establish Point-to-Point connections, configure ISDN, establish Frame Relay connections, and manage IP traffic with Access Lists.
CCNA 640-801
This series is for anyone preparing for the Cisco CCNA 640-801 exam, or for anyone who wants to learn more about networking.
- A glossary
- A Skill Assessment
10 items