This series shows developers how to create more powerful applications using Microsoft Visual Studio.NET. The series focuses heavily on creating and deploying Web-based applications. Users explore ASP.NET Web server controls in greater detail, and also learn how to implement data binding to pull data into a Web page from external data sources. Users will also learn how Visual Studio.NET facilitates XML development, and how to use Visual Studio to build and configure an XML-based Web application or a Web service client. Additionally, users will learn about what happens after the code is written - debugging, deployment, and security for Web based applications, as well as the process for upgrading existing ASP-based Web sites to ASP.NET
This series is for anyone who is interested in learning how to develop applications using Visual Studio .NET.
- Exercises that allow users to practice the application
- A file containing the text of the exercises
- Simulations that allow users to practice course skills, even if they don't have access to the application
- Activities that allow users to apply course concepts in an interactive questioning environment
- A glossary
- A Skill Assessment
7 items