This series provides an overview of SAP R/3 Release 4.6. It examines the new features of Release 4.6, using the interface, and working with the User Menu. Using the task screen is covered in detail, including how to use the tool bar and menu bar with tasks. Users are shown how to enter a basic task, how to search for and modify previously-entered tasks, and how to print tasks. Additional topics covered include methods for optimizing your installation of R/3 by adding shortcuts and favorites and configuring the GUI, using multiple sessions, and using R/3 help functions. The series also discusses how to create and use reports.
This series is for anyone who wants to learn how to use SAP R/3 Release 4.6.
- Exercises that allow users to practice the application
- A file containing the text of the exercises
- Simulations that allow users to practice course skills, even if they don't have access to the application
- A glossary
- A Skill Assessment
5 items