This series presents the common features shared by the Oracle Developer/2000 suite of tools, including Forms 4.5, Reports 2.5, Graphics 2.5, and Procedure Builder 1.5. It covers navigation of the development environment and describes editing and debugging features, as well as features that provide object orientation, integration, and OLE2 support. The series covers each tool in greater detail, examining the capabilities and functions of each. Advanced topics covered include the development of applications using Forms and Reports, and the integration of Oracle applications through a single point of entry for the user.
This series is for programmers and database administrators who will be using PL/SQL with Oracle database products or Oracle Developer/2000.
- Exercises that allow users to practice the application
- A file containing the text of the exercises
- Simulations that allow users to practice course skills, even if they don't have access to the application
- A glossary
6 items