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SQL for the Windows Environment Series: Views and Stored Procedures
Product Code: sqlw08 Time: 2.0 hour(s) CEUs: Available


This course teaches the learner the use of views in SQL and how views can be used to simplify complex operations. It also provides an overview on the use and creation of stored procedures.


  • Explain the makeup of views
  • Use views to simplify joins
  • Use views to reformat retrieved data
  • Use filtering and calculated fields within your views
  • Explain the use of stored procedures
  • Execute stored procedures
  • Describe some of the features involved in creating stored procedures


  • Understanding views
  • Using views to simplify complex joins
  • Using views to reformat retrieved data
  • Unwanted data and calculated fields
  • Understanding stored procedures
  • Executing stored procedures
  • Creating stored procedures

Technical Requirements:

P500+ Processor, 128MB of RAM; Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Minimum screen resolution 800x600, Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher; Windows Media Player 9.0 or higher; Flash 8.0 or higher; 56K minimum connection; broadband (256 kpbs or higher) connection recommended; Javascript, DHTML and cookies enabled; Sound card with speakers or headphones strongly recommended.

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