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Oracle9i Database Fundamentals 1Z0-031 Series: Managing Storage Structures and Undo Data
Product Code: or3105 Time: 4.0 hour(s) CEUs: Available


This course introduces users to the underlying storage structure of a database and to using undo segments.


  • Identify storage needs for different segment types
  • Control the size allocation of extents and segments
  • Acquire extents in dictionary-managed tablespaces
  • Use multiple extents when using parallel processors
  • List the keywords that control block space usage
  • Obtain information about storage from the data dictionary
  • Describe the purpose of undo data
  • Implement automatic undo management
  • Create and configure undo segments
  • Size OLTP and batch undo segments
  • Maintain undo segments manually


  • Types of segments
  • Acquiring and managing segments and extents
  • Controlling block space usage
  • Obtaining information about storage structures
  • Using undo data
  • Implementing automatic undo Management
  • Creating, configuring, and maintaining undo Segments manually

Technical Requirements:

P500+ Processor, 128MB of RAM; Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Minimum screen resolution 800x600, Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher; Windows Media Player 9.0 or higher; Flash 8.0 or higher; 56K minimum connection; broadband (256 kpbs or higher) connection recommended; Javascript, DHTML and cookies enabled; Sound card with speakers or headphones strongly recommended.

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