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Project Management Series: Defining the Problem
Product Code: proj03 Time: 1.0 hour(s) CEUs: Available


This course describes the importance of specifically narrowing down the problem statement. In addition, it explains the detrimental impact that bypassing this step has. It also distinguishes between different types of problems and possible methods for identifying them. Finally, it describes the Project Charter and how to create it.


  • Explain reasons why projects fail
  • Explain the importance of having stakeholders participate in defining the problem
  • Explain the elements of the Definition Phase
  • Describe closed-ended problems and explain the approach to solving them
  • Describe open-ended problems and explain the approach to solving them
  • Define what a project charter is and explain why it is important


  • The Importance of the Definition Phase
  • Stakeholders
  • Aspects of the Definition Phase
  • Solving Closed-Ended Problems
  • Defining Open-Ended Problems
  • The Project Charter

Technical Requirements:

P500+ Processor, 128MB of RAM; Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Minimum screen resolution 800x600, Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher; Windows Media Player 9.0 or higher; Flash 8.0 or higher; 56K minimum connection; broadband (256 kpbs or higher) connection recommended; Javascript, DHTML and cookies enabled; Sound card with speakers or headphones strongly recommended.

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